Friends, and fellow V community members, welcome!

My name is [HOST Name], and I am thrilled to host this social event coordinated by V DAO. V DAO’s mission is to incubate regenerative network state communities and solutions. This is one of several V Community meetups happening around the world.

This meetup brings people together who share a common interest in Regenerative Living. Adopting a regenerative lifestyle means developing a harmonious relationship between humanity, technology and natural ecosystems. Regenerative living is ‘high tech, high touch, high nature’. Its about leveraging technology while partnering with nature to provide nutrient-dense food, clean water, and renewable energy.

This is an opportunity for us to connect, share ideas, and enjoy each other's company. There are no expectations or formalities; the goal is to foster a warm, welcoming social atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.

As you hangout, mingle and enjoy the evening, I encourage you to check out the V Manifesto and join the V Community on Discord. It's a vibrant space where like-minded builders can come together to discuss, plan, and implement regenerative solutions. You'll find a lot of resources, conversations, and opportunities to get more involved.

Thank you all for coming along and for your interest in regenerative living. enjoy!